Today's gospel (Mark 4: 26-34) says at the end that Jesus taught everything in parables according to what they could understand. The two parables that are shared with us today are parables with which Jesus tries to explain what the Kingdom of God is. On both occasions Jesus implies that the Kingdom of God is built and grows practically without perceiving it, simply the internal force that exists in the Kingdom of God itself makes the Kingdom possible. Jesus already mentioned in another passage that the Kingdom of God is not something that can be said to be “here or there,” as if it were something foreign to us, which is why Jesus will also say, “the kingdom is among you” (Luke 17: 21).
The Kingdom grows in us silently, but without pause. It is the action of the Spirit of God that has been given to us and that acts in us and through us, who is building the Kingdom of God, and that at some point along the way we will be able to contemplate and appreciate certain fruits of the Kingdom with which it remains in It shows the wonders that God has done in us. In order for this action to be consistent and silent, the Grace of God in us and its fruits, it is necessary for us to behave with humility, letting God be God and allowing Him to do His will in our lives.
It all starts with something as small as a mustard seed, which does not seem of great value, but in its smallness and simplicity, placed in the right place and diligently cared for, that seed will slowly transform into something new, for this seed is destined to be something new, a big bush. This seed in its complete transformation will be capable of giving more life, the life that it itself possessed and that must be shared, because the Kingdom of God is not something for a few; the kingdom of God may have begun with a few, but in the end, it is a Kingdom that is up to all of us to offer, only in this way can our world be transformed. This small seed spoken of is the faith that we have been given in the person of Christ and that we must protect and grow at the same time. Let us not neglect to do what it is up to each one of us to do in favor of the Kingdom of God. Amen.
Fr. Carlos Flores, OSA
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