An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Friday, August 11, 2023

Pope Francis confirms Vatican envoy’s visit to China in wide-ranging interview


AI, the Vatican, and anthropological truths

By Christopher R. Altieri on Aug 10, 2023 05:41 pm
Among the interesting news items in the daily bulletin from the press office of the Holy See on Tuesday of this week was a communiqué from the Dicastery for Integral Human Development. It was announcing [...]
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Working for peace in Ukraine

By Russell Shaw on Aug 10, 2023 04:38 pm
Unless the Ukrainian army’s current counteroffensive ends in clear-cut victory for either Ukraine or Russia—an outcome that seems unlikely at the moment—it is possible, though hardly certain, that conditions then will finally exist for a [...]
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The Erotic Poems of Abp Fernández: Audience, Context, Commentary

By John Smith on Aug 09, 2023 11:51 pm
On July 1, hours after Pope Francis named Archbishop Víctor Manuel Fernández the new prefect of the Dicastery of the Doctrine for the Faith, Reuters published an article on the appointment entitled “Pope names Argentine [...]
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House Judiciary Committee: ‘Multiple FBI field offices’ collaborated over anti-Catholic memo

By Catholic News Agency on Aug 09, 2023 02:30 pm
null / Credit: Dzelat/Shutterstock Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Aug 9, 2023 / 13:30 pm (CNA). The U.S. House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday claimed to have uncovered evidence of “multiple” field offices of the Federal Bureau of Investigation co... [...]
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WYD 2023 was a sign of great hope for the Church in the secularized West

By Filip Mazurczak on Aug 09, 2023 11:22 am
This past week I was an eyewitness to hundreds of thousands of young Europeans and Americans adoring the Blessed Sacrament, waiting in long lines for confession, and proudly professing their love for the Church. In [...]
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Understanding the feminine vocation with Edith Stein

By Dawn Beutner on Aug 09, 2023 04:10 am
Is feminism good or bad? What is feminism? What is the role of women in culture? Or even more fundamentally: what is a woman? Arguments over these questions have become so contentious that it’s dangerous [...]
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Extra, extra! News and views for Wednesday, August 9, 2023

By CWR Staff on Aug 09, 2023 03:00 am
Anti-Modern Architecture – “What Alexander was striving for was that architects should love their buildings like parents love their children. Every detail of the building—every windowsill, the door handles—there should be that much attention to [...]
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Faith-based charter schools: An emerging and contentious legal frontier

By Charles J. Russo on Aug 08, 2023 11:03 pm
A dispute involving the growing school choice movement emerged on June 5th when Oklahoma’s Statewide Virtual Charter School Board, in a three-to-two vote, approved the creation of the first faith-based publicly funded online charter school [...]
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Pope Francis changes canon law on Opus Dei and any future personal prelatures

By Catholic News Agency on Aug 08, 2023 11:00 am
St. Josemaria Escrivá, founder of Opus Dei / Flick Torreciudad Sanctuary (CC BY 2.0) Rome Newsroom, Aug 8, 2023 / 10:00 am (CNA). Pope Francis changed canon law on Tuesday regarding the governance of Opus Dei and any future personal prelatures.... [...]
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Saint Dominic and the life ordered by wisdom

By Donald Jacob Uitvlugt on Aug 08, 2023 04:00 am
Although there are no major secular holidays in August, the month is full of numerous important holy days for Catholics. August 8 on the General Roman Calendar is the feast of St. Dominic, the late [...]
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On the prophetic anarchy of Dorothy Day

By Larry Chapp on Aug 07, 2023 10:38 pm
The bigger the unit you deal with, the hollower, the more brutal, the more mendacious is the life displayed. So I am … against all big successes and big results; and in favor of the [...]
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Saint Dominic and the Dominican witness to truth

By Dawn Beutner on Aug 07, 2023 04:20 pm
What would you do if someone you knew claimed to be a Christian but also professed beliefs that were dangerous to his health, his relationships, and even his salvation? Dominic de Guzman’s response was to [...]
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The Prodigal Dreamer

By Nick Olszyk on Aug 07, 2023 03:14 pm
MPAA Rating: PG USCCB Rating: Not rated at the time of this review Reel Rating: 3 out of 5 reels From Happy Feet and October Sky to Rudy and Sing, the “misunderstood dream-chasing teenager oppressed [...]
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The adventures of an Irish guide in Rome: An interview with K. Troy

By Carl E. Olson on Aug 07, 2023 04:00 am
Tour guide K. Troy has been leading pilgrim groups to Catholic shrines across Europe for over twenty-five years now. And he has many stories to tell. His book In the Stars the Glory of His [...]
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Pope Francis explains why he skipped Fatima prayer for peace

By Catholic News Agency on Aug 06, 2023 05:15 pm
Pope Francis addresses reporters on Aug. 6, 2023 aboard the papal flight on his return to Rome from his five-day trip to Portugal and World Youth Day. / Daniel Ibáñez/CNA Rome Newsroom, Aug 6, 2023 / 16:15 pm (CNA). On his return flight from Wo... [...]
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The Truth is Still Splendid: Pope St. John Paul II’s Veritatis Splendor at 30

By Dr. Samuel Gregg on Aug 06, 2023 04:00 am
John Paul II’s great—and most controversial—encyclical, on morality and moral theology, still answers some of the most crucial questions of our time. [...]
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Sheen and Hiroshima

By Dr. Christopher Shannon on Aug 06, 2023 03:00 am
These days there is no shortage of doomsayers. Many across the political and religious spectrum feel a profound sense of disease and uncertainty, even fear, about the present state of world affairs. Despite a shared [...]
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Transfiguration and prayer: Often misunderstood, they are deeply related

By Peter M.J. Stravinskas on Aug 05, 2023 08:00 pm
Editor’s note: The following homily was preached by the Reverend Peter M. J. Stravinskas, Ph.D., S.T.D., on the feast of the Transfiguration of Our Lord [August 6, 2020] at the Church of the Holy Innocents, [...]
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Not a Tame Pilgrimage

By Julian Kwasniewski on Aug 05, 2023 05:18 pm
In The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, the fifth of C.S. Lewis’ Narnia series, the mysterious Aslan is famously referred to as “not a tame Lion.” Itself a story of a pilgrimage-like journey, Aslan tells [...]
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A broadly catholic panorama for seriously Catholic readers

By Ken Jones on Aug 05, 2023 04:00 am
The late Fr. James Schall, S.J., was a master essayist, in the grand tradition of English letters. In the introduction to one of his collections of essays, Fr. Schall remarks: The chapters in this book [...]
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Pope Francis confirms Vatican envoy’s visit to China in wide-ranging interview

By Catholic News Agency on Aug 04, 2023 01:15 pm
Pope Francis sits quietly during a meeting with students at the Portuguese Catholic University in Lisbon, Portugal, on Aug. 3, 2023. / Vatican Media Rome Newsroom, Aug 4, 2023 / 12:15 pm (CNA). In a newly published interview, Pope Francis descr... [...]
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You Have the Words of Eternal Life

By Archbishop Samuel J. Aquila on Aug 04, 2023 12:00 pm
“I am the bread of life…For my flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink. Whoever feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me, and I in him” (Jn 6:35a; [...]
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