An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Monday, February 27, 2017

Tim Keller stepping down as Redeemer senior pastor

Tim Keller stepping down as Redeemer senior pastor
Christianity Today: The influential Reformed leader is moving away from his NYC pulpit as his church becomes three.

A scientist's new theory: Religion was key to humans' social evolution
The Washington Post: In humans' mysterious journey to become intelligent, socializing creatures like no other in the animal world, one innovation played an essential role: religion.

Support for Muslim ban up among white evangelicals
Religion News Service: Support for a temporary ban on Muslims entering the United States has dropped among all religious groups -- except white evangelicals.

Religion spreads through actions more than words
Science of Us blog: Actions matter more than words, but evidence suggests they matter dramatically more in convincing cultural learners of the existence of God.

How the FBI is hobbled by religious illiteracy
The Atlantic: Historians and their colleagues argue that, over its history, the FBI has shaped American religious history through targeted investigations and religiously tinged rhetoric about national security.

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