An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Pray Together Sunday

the local church
What It Means to Burn Down a Black Church
Exploring the relentless tradition of arson in the US.
Dawn Araujo-Hawkins
Some 60 years ago, the burning of black churches was a common form of racial violence; according to civil rights historian Taylor Branch, at the height of the civil rights movement, a black church was bombed or burned every week. Most historians agree that back then, opponents of black civil rights saw the burning of black churches as a way to reinforce pre-Civil War power... continue reading >>

Can You Name All Ten Commandments? If Not, This (and 18 Other Questions) Could Get You Deported
Take this quiz of Christian trivia faced by converts from Islam seeking asylum in the UK.
The Local Church
The Ministry of Growing a Forgotten Flower
'That is why it was grown—to be small and extravagant.'
I'm a Woman Who Got Kicked Out of Women's Bathrooms
Our zealous policing of gender norms can have unintended and hurtful consequences.
The Exchange
Pray Together Sunday
Calling Churches to Prayer on July 10, 2016

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