An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Our Beautiful, Broken Christian Ancestors

Our Beautiful, Broken Christian Ancestors
As a Southerner, I have to grapple with my forebears' tainted legacy. As a believer, I have to do the same.
Tish Harrison Warren
I am a seventh-generation Texan who has ancestors from all over the South. When I think of the South, I see my grandmother's hands, gnarled with arthritis—hands that picked and shelled native pecans and mastered a rolling pin. I imagine my great-grandfather's dusty feet as he walked from Arkansas... continue reading >>

Fear of Missing Out Isn't Just a Season
FOMO is real, and it takes on a new dimension at midlife.
70,000 Worshipers Dump TV for Church
Tech-savvy Oklahoma megachurch is now Life.Church.
The Exchange
3 Ways Tesla Affects Your Church Metrics
Pastors, you can learn a lot from Tesla when it comes to evaluating your church's effectiveness.

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