An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Monday, October 6, 2014

Pastorgraphs: “Making Connections”

E-Vangel Newsletter
October 6, 2014

Christ United Methodist Ministry Center

“Christ in the Heart of San Diego”
3295 Meade Avenue - San Diego, CA 92116 - (619) 284-9205
Pastorgraphs: “Making Connections”

As Christ Ministry Center has evolved from our beginning, I have experienced the blessings of God’s grace in sending the right people, congregations and ministries to us at just the right time. The blessings continue. I want to share two more blessings who present opportunities I do not want you to miss.

First, I want to introduce to you Anne Schrader. Anne has lived in our Normal Heights neighborhood for 3 years. She, like all the ministries at CMC, has a passion for helping meet the needs of others. Her gift is in teaching career development and life skills classes that will enable you to “Find Your Voice, Improve Your Relationships, and Achieve Your Goals!”

Anne comes from a family of creative entrepreneurs and compassionate leaders. As the daughter of an Army commander and social worker, Anne learned early to speak her mind and listen with her heart. She later harnessed these qualities as an occupational therapist and business owner by helping individuals and communities through adversity, transition and renewal.

Anne is also an accomplished speaker, leader, and instructor who lectures on Effective Communication, Career Development, and Life Skills at local San Diego universities, business associations, and non-profits.
Anne is offering to teach and coach an initial group (for FREE) who are looking to improve their lives with such things as:

·         Being clear on what you want out of life
·         Finding meaningful employment
·         Conducting a job search and go on a job interview
·         Finding your voice and improving communication skills
       (including English as a Second Language – ESL)
·         Building self-confidence
·         Realizing better relationships

If you or someone you know is interested in improving life in any of these areas, please contact Anne. Don’t let this opportunity pass you by. Anne is willing to teach these classes at Christ Ministry Center, providing a great opportunity for CMC to further fulfill our mission in meeting the needs of our community. 

You may contact Anne at

Secondly, I am pleased to let our San Diego area churches know that Minister Ray Lemons of Exodus Church, who has faithfully served as the Custodian of Christ Ministry Center for many years, is starting his own business that specializes in church custodial and cleaning work. 

As a pastor and church administrator, I know how difficult it is to find honest, reliable custodians. Ray and his team have consistently gone above and beyond our expectations to make sure our building is always clean and worthy as God’s House.
To my fellow pastors and church administrators from San Diego to El Cajon, the next time you are seeking custodial services, you cannot find a better or more dedicated team than RZ Cleaning Services. Ray will be glad to provide a free assessment and quote for your church. 

You may contact Ray Lemons through our office, (619) 284-9205, or email me for further information.

It gives me great joy to be able to present Anne Schrader and Ray Lemons to you. Christ Ministry Center exists to connect people with the resources they need, whether it is food, clothing, shelter, skills for a better life, or churches seeking the best resources. 

Anne and Ray are both a blessing to our community. Please contact me if you would like any additional information. 
In Christ’s Service,
Bill Jenkins

From The Quote Garden:
“I expect to pass through life but once. If therefore, there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, and not defer or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again.”
~ William Penn ~

Photo Credits: Anne Schrader, CC/CL, and Minister Ray Lemons

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