An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Wednesday, September 24, 2014


WEDNESDAY, September 24, 2014 | Martyrs of Chalcedon

ESSAYS and POSTS about marriage and Communion, spinning the Synod, Project Rachel, Tolkien, Roger Ebert, Cardinal Burke, and more!

Marriage, Communion, and the Teachings of the Church | CWR Staff | Two of the contributors to the book, Remaining in the Truth of Christ: Marriage and Communion in the Catholic Church, discuss the Scriptural, historical, and theological foundations for Catholic doctrine.

Spinning the Synod | Carl E. Olson | Here are five misleading claims and skewed statements about the upcoming Synod of Bishops.

Celebrating 30 Years of Project Rachel | Carrie Gress | An interview with Vicki Thorn, founder of the pro-life ministry helping women and men find healing after abortion.

The Magical, Timeless Popularity of J.R.R. Tolkien | Michael Coren | The support for all things Tolkien is fascinating not only because of its size but because of its surreal diversity.

Is Pope Francis upset about an Ignatius Press book? | Catholic News Agency | Fr. Joseph Fessio, SJ, responds to claims and complaints made by Cardinal Walter Kasper.

God's Goodness and the Laborers in the Vineyard | Carl E. Olson | If any man--whether Jew or Gentile--was judged by God on his own merits, he would fail to receive the wage of eternal life.

The Synod and the Real Crisis of Marriage | Russell Shaw | The debates over divorce, remarriage, and receiving Communion must not distract from other formidable challenges

See You at the Movies: On the Life and Death of Roger Ebert | Nick Olszyk | Steve James's Life Itself is a very compelling, but incomplete, documentary of the life, work, and death of movie critic Roger Ebert.

Reports: Cardinal Burke to be demoted, removed as prefect of the supreme tribunal | Carl E. Olson | Is the American Cardinal, Raymond Leo Burke, going to be removed from his post as prefect of the supreme tribunal of the apostolic signatura?

Faith, Love, and Music Come Together in The Song | Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle | A conversation with Alan Powell, star of the upcoming movie The Song, which is inspired by the Song of Solomon.


Islam, Violence, and the Nature of God | Dr. R. Jared Staudt | Where and why Catholics agree--and disagree--with Muslims

Walking with Chesterton | K. V. Turley | Once a year, a group of admirers of G.K. Chesterton make a 30-mile pilgrimage from the site of his birth to his grave. This year’s trek included several Chestertonian touches.

Seeking Practical Solutions to Reaching Young Souls | Christopher White | Naomi Schaefer Riley's book, Got Religion?, explores what thriving religious institutions are doing to attract young people.

Liberalism, Choice, and Compulsion | James Kalb | Contrary to what many people believe, no society can maximize free choice and all societies involve some sort of compulsion.

Utah polygamist returns to a world without a definition of marriage | Anne Hendershott and Fr. Dan Pattee | Once the heterosexual requirement for marriage is struck down throughout the country, we are left without a definition of marriage.

Casualties of the Device Age | Thomas M. Doran | Technology is not bad in itself but technological advances correspond to a decline in the ability to reason, contemplation, and self-discipline.

Discovering the treasures of novelist Louis de Wohl | Rose Trabbic | Three reasons to read the lives of saints as presented in the novels of Louis de Wohl.

Pope Francis and Islam | Fr. David Vincent Meconi, SJ | How is a Christian to think of a religion that is seemingly intent on destroying Christians and the Gospel of Jesus?

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