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An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Tuesday, September 27, 2022

For Mormons, a perfect lawn is a godly act

US Catholic bishops’ report to the Vatican shows a church split by politics
Religion News Service: Catholics in the United States are deeply divided over issues as disparate as LGBTQ inclusion, clerical sexual abuse and celebrating the liturgy, according to a summary of consultations carried out in dioceses across the country.
Bolsonaro campaign to evangelicals: Brazil’s soul at stake
Associated Press: Bolsonaro is waging an all-out campaign to shore up the crucial evangelical vote that involves keyboard crusaders and the first lady ahead of Oct. 2 elections.
For Mormons, a perfect lawn is a godly act. But the drought is catching up with them
The Guardian: Heavily subsidized water ‘made the desert bloom’ but the tradition is now driving Utah dry.
Religion aided the rise of top sports leagues — and ended up in their shadow
Deseret News: In his latest book, historian Randall Balmer turns his attention to religion’s role in the North American sports landscape.
The ungodly surveillance of anti-porn ‘shameware’ apps*
Wired: Churches are using invasive phone-monitoring tech to discourage “sinful” behavior. Some software is seeing more than congregants realize.

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