An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Spiritual Needs of Young Adults with Pastor Carlos

The Spiritual Needs of Young Adults

Wanting to hear from the young adults in our diocese, Bishop Robert McElroy called for a diocesan synod on young adults from 21 to 39 years old. It was a process where 150 young adult leaders from all the parishes met over 4 weekends, ending recently with presenting proposals to the Bishop and the Synod organizers.

Having read through the proposals, which mainly focused on tending to the needs of young adults, the questions I have for us at St Patrick’s are: how can we facilitate more participation from an age group that is tight with time constraints of beginning a family and starting a career?

One of the proposals was to have more accommodating times for daily Mass. Not too far from here, St John the Evangelist has daily Mass at 5:30 PM. If you think that time is not convenient, and you would like to have Mass at a later time like, 7:00 PM, please email Fr. Phil at

Another proposal mentioned having young adults serving in liturgical roles such as lectors and extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion. Thank you to the young adult lectors already serving at our parish! If you would be interested in serving in the liturgy please let Fr. Phil know.

Another proposal was that neighboring parishes would collaborate with events for young adults. Last Saturday, under the leadership and direction of Fr. Phil, young adult leaders from St Patrick's, St Vincent's and St Joseph's joined to plan and facilitate a one day reflection. The focus was to prepare for the Advent season. The day included a reflection, small group discussions, adoration, praise and worship, confessions, Mass and dinner.

God bless,Fr. Carlos, OS

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