Our ministry center is in southeast San Diego, located at 4092 Newton Ave. This building is used for our local offices, our San Diego satellite for The Urban Ministry Institute (TUMI), as well as for church services for one of our established church-plants, Inner-City Christian Fellowship.
Having worked in several areas of San Diego, including San Ysidro, East San Diego, and Linda Vista, we are currently focusing our efforts in City Heights. City Heights is located east of Interstate 15 between University Ave. and El Cajon Blvd. In this highly multi-cultural community the world has literally come to our doorstep. According to the 2000 census, 44% of City Heights’ population is foreign-born, with residents immigrating from more than 60 countries, speaking more than 40 different languages and dialects. Because of such diversity, there are numerous social service agencies assisting immigrants in assimilating to American culture. Our focus is in helping to meet the spiritual needs of the community through church-planting. Along with the cultural diversity of City Heights comes great religious diversity, as well. Islam, Buddhism, Mormonism, and Jehovah’s Witness, each have a strong presence in the community.
With City Heights being such a large community, we have concentrated our efforts in an area that is 11x3 blocks between Euclid Ave. and 54th St. Our prayer is that through a clear communication of the Gospel of Jesus Christ a church will be established in City Heights that is dedicated to building a body of believers that consists of true worshipers, who own the vision to plant other churches and is shepherded by godly men and women. Our ministry in the community takes many different forms, some of which include door-to-door evangelism, teaching English as a Second Language, small group bible studies, kids/teen clubs, as well as a regular Celebration in the Park, where we gather to worship, teach God’s word, and fellowship together.
Want to learn more? Volunteer opportunities are available. Maybe you’re not sure what you have to offer. We welcome inquiries and would love to share with you what God is doing in City Heights and explore where He may be leading you to get involved.
Jerry Zeller - Director
1047 S. 39th Street
San Diego, CA 92113
tel: (619) 263-3563
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