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An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Planned Parenthood Sells Baby Parts to UCSD

Contact: David Daleiden,, 949.734.0859 
SAN DIEGO, March 5—Never-before-seen documents released under a public records request show Planned Parenthood transferring “proprietary” aborted fetal body parts to UC San Diego explicitly for “valuable consideration”—a violation of federal law—in exchange for ownership of the university’s “patents” and “intellectual property” developed by experimenting with them. The incriminating terms of this relationship are spelled out in a “Biological Materials Transfer Agreement” (MTA) contract between Planned Parenthood of San Diego (PPSD) and UC San Diego. The contract, made for “valuable consideration”, grants UCSD “access” to “fetal and placental tissue, which are proprietary materials of PPSD”. The parties agree that in granting “access” to the “proprietary” aborted fetal body parts, “PPSD shall retain all right, title, and interest in and to the Material, including but not limited to all right, title, and interest in patents and patent applications and other intellectual property rights relating to the Material”. The transfer of any aborted human fetal tissue for “valuable consideration” is a federal felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison or a fine of up to $500,000 (42 U.S.C. 289g-2). Public databases show UC San Diego professors have developed numerous patents, held by the University of California, using aborted fetal body parts. The University of California’s total patent invention revenue for 2021-2022 was over $127 million. The contract, originally signed in 2009, was updated to reflect PPSD’s name change to “Planned Parenthood of the Pacific Southwest” in 2014, with the parties specifying, “All other terms and conditions of the Agreement will remain the same and shall continue in full force and effect.” UCSD emails from 2017 reference the MTA contract while updating an additional contract for clinical personnel, and in emails from late 2020, UCSD seeks to be “especially careful” about “any rights” providers of fetal tissue “retain” in the material. One email thread between Planned Parenthood and UCSD is particularly revealing: Planned Parenthood emails UCSD to set up a quarterly “Planned Parenthood/UCSD Research Collaboration Meeting”, and the parties plan to discuss “payment” to Planned Parenthood’s abortion training program as part of the fetal tissue research meeting. UCSD writes that as part of the meeting, “we will have results to share on samples recently collected, and will also likely have more to discuss re: the [REDACTED] fellowship.” Planned Parenthood replies there are “[n]o current issues with the collection program”, but they “have some questions about payment to the residency program”. Planned Parenthood operates the Ryan Residency Training Program and Fellowship in Complex Family Planning at UC San Diego and other taxpayer-funded universities around the country where the abortion business supplies fetal body parts. Documents produced under the public records request also include a $10,000 contribution from UC San Diego to Planned Parenthood at a 2021 fundraising event, and a Planned Parenthood Federation of America national Research Department registration form for the fetal body parts harvesting in San Diego. The Center for Medical Progress, responsible for the 2015 undercover video series reporting on Planned Parenthood’s harvesting and sale of aborted fetal body parts, obtained the documents only after filing a public records lawsuit against the University. Last year, CMP reported on FOIA records confirming the existence of a federal law enforcement investigation by the HHS Office of Inspector General of the NIH-funded fetal tissue bank at the University of Pittsburgh, which is supplied by Planned Parenthood abortion doctors. “This new evidence shows Planned Parenthood sells late-term aborted baby body parts in violation of federal law, for far more money than has ever been discussed before,” states David Daleiden, founder and president of The Center for Medical Progress. “Planned Parenthood’s national headquarters knew about and approved these sales of aborted babies for valuable consideration as part of government-funded research grants. The federal OIG investigation of fetal trafficking in Pittsburgh must be expanded to include Planned Parenthood’s activities in San Diego and every other location where this $1.8 billion abortion business supplies aborted babies for taxpayer-funded experiments. The highest levels of Planned Parenthood leadership must answer under oath for what we now know is the organization’s participation in government-sponsored trafficking of late-term aborted babies.”

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