An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Friday, March 29, 2024

Easter, Creation, and holiness

Easter, Creation, and holiness

By George Weigel on Mar 27, 2024 04:00 am
What came first: Creation, or God’s covenants with the People of Israel and the New Israel, the Church? The question may seem odd, even silly. Chronologically, it’s obvious that the divine act of creation preceded [...]
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Extra, extra! News and views for Wednesday, March 27, 2024

By CWR Staff on Mar 27, 2024 04:00 am
Saint Cabrini and Women in Missions – “While doing numerous viewers the service of informing them about Cabrini’s legacy, the film presents its protagonist as ‘the first woman ever to lead an overseas mission.’ This [...]
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Ignatius Book Fairs aim to provide “the best in Catholic literature” for children

By Jim Graves on Mar 26, 2024 06:55 pm
Ave Maria University and Ignatius Press have teamed up to offer Ignatius Book Fairs, a Catholic book fair for parents and schools who want to offer their children an alternative to the Scholastic Book Fairs, [...]
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Supreme Court opens discussion about the abortion drug mifepristone

By Kathy Schiffer on Mar 26, 2024 04:14 pm
As the U.S. Supreme Court hears oral arguments this week regarding the abortion drug mifepristone, the justices attention will include a focus on decisions made by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2016 and [...]
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The metaphysics of individualism

By Dr. Edward Feser on Mar 26, 2024 04:00 am
Modern moral discourse often refers to “persons” and to “individuals” as if the notions were more or less interchangeable.  But that is not the case. In his book Three Reformers: Luther, Descartes, Rousseau (especially in chapter [...]
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Finding the path to spiritual healing for the adult children of divorce

By Paul Senz on Mar 25, 2024 09:00 pm
Divorce has become an incredibly common feature of life, especially over the last 70 years or so. No matter how common or “normal” divorce becomes, the fact remains that it always inflicts a profound wound [...]
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Three-year-old “Iron Will” shares the beauty of people with Down syndrome

By Susan Ciancio on Mar 25, 2024 07:26 pm
To celebrate World Down Syndrome Day last week, the family of three-year-old Will Daub, or Iron Will (as they call him), created a brilliant video in the hopes of sharing Will’s accomplishments with the world [...]
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Palm Sunday procession in Holy Land celebrates ‘joy in being Christians’

By Catholic News Agency on Mar 25, 2024 01:30 pm
Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa, the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, gives the final blessing with the relic of the holy cross at the end of the Palm Sunday procession from Bethphage to Jerusalem on March 24, 2024. / Credit: Marinella Bandini Je... [...]
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Holy Week and Easter liturgies

By Russell Shaw on Mar 24, 2024 08:00 pm
Holy Week and Easter bring with them liturgies of great beauty and solemnity suitable to the momentous significance of the events they recall. That significance is, of course, redemption. And for assistance in explaining it, [...]
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Five suggestions from Mother Angelica for Holy Week

By Catholic News Agency on Mar 24, 2024 04:00 pm
Mother Angelica. / Credit: Eternal Word Television Network ACI Prensa Staff, Mar 24, 2024 / 14:00 pm (CNA). Mother Angelica, foundress of the Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN), CNA’s parent company, once offered helpful advice for Holy Wee... [...]
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Palm Sunday: Glory flows from the obedience of selfless love

By Carl E. Olson on Mar 24, 2024 08:00 am
On the Readings for Sunday, March 25, 2018, Palm Sunday of the Lord's Passion [...]
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A Sunday of Victory and Suffering

By Peter M.J. Stravinskas on Mar 24, 2024 04:00 am
The Church calls this day by two names: Palm Sunday and Passion Sunday: The first, for victory—the name most people recognize, not surprisingly; the second, for suffering—the one most folks would sooner forget.  But in [...]
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Transparency is the key to the restoration of trust

By Christopher R. Altieri on Mar 23, 2024 04:46 pm
Pope Francis has defrocked a Belgian bishop, 87-year-old Roger Vangheluwe, who is among the most notorious high-ranking clerics ever to face consequences for his perverse and criminal behavior. Good, one might say, but the defrocking—more [...]
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