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An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Saturday, February 3, 2024



Today's gospel (Mc 1, 29-39) is rich in details and events in which Jesus is the protagonist. I have the impression that today we can talk about at least four specific moments in which we discover Jesus acting in a very clear way.

The first thing we notice is that Jesus has been in prayer and has heard the Word of God with the community; that is why he went to the synagogue that day. This gives way to a second moment, Jesus acts with mercy towards the sick, Jesus heals them of their illnesses. The healing he does of Peter's mother-in-law stands out; who once healthy, understood that it was time to serve those who need her.

After having cared for so many, Jesus once again seeks solitude to pray, this time Jesus returns to personal prayer, so frequently done. Finally, Jesus decides to continue with the missionary action and announce the Kingdom of God, for which it is necessary to leave where he is and be able to go in search of those who are waiting to hear the Good News.

Jesus appears doing so many things, almost without pause, one after another. It is urgent to do all the good possible for each human being. But it stands out admirably that of all the actions described today, prayer is the one that appears as the center of everything else. With prayer you can hear God's will and have the courage to enliven that will.

Let us make prayer to occupy a primary place in our Christian life, because it is in prayer where we dialogue with God, it is in prayer where we can understand the events of our lives and act in accordance with what God expects of each one.

Fr. Carlos Flores, OSA

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