An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Thursday, February 8, 2024

Did Asbury’s outpouring matter?

Southern Baptist Convention’s Executive Committee faces more abuse lawsuits
Religion News Service: A pair of new lawsuits, including one that includes civil RICO claims, come at a time when the SBC Executive Committee faces a fiscal and leadership crisis.
World’s first year-long breach of key 1.5 C warming limit
BBC: For the first time, global warming has exceeded 1.5 C across an entire year, according to the EU’s climate service.
Did Asbury’s outpouring matter? John the Baptist offers 3 lessons.*
Christianity Today: Learning about revival from the legacy of the one who pointed to what was to come.
New survey highlights religious opposition to sports betting
Deseret News: Americans are expected to bet more than $23 billion on this weekend’s Super Bowl.
The case that revolutionized libel law*
The Christian Century: Samantha Barbas’s history of New York Times v. Sullivan shows how easy it was to weaponize the law against southern civil rights leaders.

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