An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Monday, December 11, 2023

Hearing the pope’s confession: Vatican confessor reflects on sacrament

Hearing the pope’s confession: Vatican confessor reflects on sacrament

A veteran Vatican confessor spoke about his time as confessor to Pope Francis, stressing the enduring and essential role of the sacrament.
Pope at Angelus: ‘Through silence and prayer, we make space for Jesus’ 

Pope Francis highlighted the importance of listening to God by embracing the example of John the Baptist. 
Cardinal Sarah addresses First African Congress on liturgy

Cardinal Robert Sarah recently cautioned against the overuse of cultural elements over Christian ones during liturgical celebrations
The hidden life of Nicholas Black Elk revealed in canonization process

Two Jesuit priests have emphasized Black Elk’s enduring Catholic faith as his canonization process unfolds.  
Orphan rescued by Mother Teresa promotes cause of Minnesota nun 

Patrick Norton, who was adopted as a boy, was painting a lamp post in a cemetery when he encountered who he believes was the late Sister Annella Zervas, OSB.

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