An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Saturday, November 4, 2023

Our Lady of Guadalupe statue untouched by Hurricane Otis’ destructive winds in Mexico

Pope Francis: Like Benedict XVI, be ‘humble laborers’ for the Church

Pope Francis presided at a Mass for the repose of the souls of Pope Benedict XVI and the six cardinals and 147 bishops who died in the past year.
Jerusalem patriarch Cardinal Pizzaballa: The Lord ‘wants me to bring his grace to this place’

“We do not pray for those who are right or wrong. We pray for those who are at war,” Jerusalem patriarch Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa said.
Nigerian bishop: Tens of thousands spent to rescue kidnapped priests, seminarians

Most of the money has been spent rescuing priests, seminarians, and other pastoral caregivers who were kidnapped by various militia groups in the region.
Democratic senators ask Biden administration to mandate coverage of OTC birth control

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration in July approved the first nonprescription oral contraceptive, called “Opill.”
Our Lady of Guadalupe statue untouched by Hurricane Otis’ destructive winds in Mexico

A statue of Our Lady of Guadalupe was left intact amid the devastation caused by Hurricane Otis, which struck the coastal city of Acapulco last week.

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