An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Monday, July 17, 2023

Rev. Jesse Jackson steps down as leader

Trump’s judges: More religious ties and more N.R.A. memberships*
The New York Times: A new study also found that judges appointed by the former president were more likely to vote for claims of religious freedom — unless they came from Muslims.
The Rev. Jesse Jackson steps down as leader of civil rights group he founded in 1971
The Associated Press: Jackson announced Saturday that he will step down as president of the Rainbow PUSH Coalition, the Chicago-based civil rights group he founded more than 50 years ago.
Extravagant consumption*
The Christian Century: For Jesus, the inverse of scarcity isn’t abundance — it’s accumulation.
Evangelical Christian voters in Iowa love Trump. Can another Republican win them over?
NPR: Evangelical voters are an important voting bloc in the first-in-the-nation caucus state, so any Republican who hopes to win the nomination over Trump has to win these voters first.
Pope Francis’ cardinal appointments emphasize unity ahead of synod
Religion News Service: Though the latest crop of cardinals represents a wide array of countries and experiences, they all have an easily traceable thread of reconciliation and unity on their resumes.

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