An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Where Will Benedict XVI Be Buried?

What Languages Does Mary Use to Speak to Us? Pope’s Inspiring Reflection at the Start of 2023


The Holy Father’s address at the Angelus on Sunday, January 1, 2023.


Pope Francis
This Is How Pope Francis Explains the Hail Mary’s “Holy Mary, Mother of God”


Homily on the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God.


From U.S. President Joe Biden to King Charles III of the United Kingdom: These Are the Condolences of International Leaders on the Death of Benedict XVI

Jorge Enrique Mújica

Added to French President Emmanuelle Macron’s condolences are those of the President of Italy and the British Prime Minister as well as of Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and the Primate of the Anglican Church.


Analysis Opinion
Ratzinger and Liturgy. Fundamental Principles


Liturgy was not a marginal theme in his thought he considered that a person’s concept of the Church and of mankind’s relationship with God largely depend on the underlying concept of liturgy.


Church and World
Spain, Belgium, Bavaria Are the First Confirmed Delegations for Benedict XVI’s Funeral

Jorge Enrique Mújica

Queen Sophia will head the Spanish delegation. The Polish President will also attend.


Where Will Benedict XVI Be Buried? We Point Out that Place in the Vatican

Jorge Enrique Mújica

The place that Saint John Paul II left “free” in the “Cemetery of Popes” is now the one that Benedict XVI’s remains will occupy.


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