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An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Friday, December 9, 2022

Freedom is found in offering to God what is hardest to give up

Like a row of dominoes: an analysis of the latest Vatican appointments

The latest appointment at the Vatican kicks off several changes for the Church, both in Rome and around the world.

Jesuit expert in the fight against abuse: Vatican dicastery must respond regarding Father Rupnik

The statements by Father Hans Zollner mark another development in the widening controversy surrounding Father Marko Rupnik.
House passes same-sex marriage bill in final vote, sending it to Biden’s desk

A total of 219 Democrats, along with 39 Republicans, voted “yea” to the bill. One hundred sixty-nine Republicans voted against it.
Pope Francis calls on Catholics to entrust themselves to Our Lady, prays for peace in Ukraine

On Thursday, Pope Francis publicly visited the statue dedicated to the Immaculate Conception near Rome’s Piazza di Spagna for the first time in two years. 
Spanish bishops lament there are families who oppose religious vocations of their children

The bishops published an annual message i
Journalists contradict allegations of ‘cover up’ against John Paul II before he was pope

Journalists investigating secular and Catholic Church sources in Poland have called into question allegations by a Dutch writer.
Christian pro-family group denied access to Virginia restaurant because of values

A pro-family organization was told by Metzger Bar and Butchery in Richmond, Virginia, that it would not be allowed to host a gathering there because of its values.
Pope Francis: Freedom is found in offering to God what is hardest to give up

Pope Francis spoke Wednesday about how freeing it can be to let go of the things that we are most attached to in life and place them in God’s “benevolent hands.”
PHOTOS: ‘Life is Beautiful’ actor Roberto Benigni meets the pope

Pope Francis enthusiastically greeted Italian actor and comedian Roberto Benigni at the Vatican on Wednesday morning.
Pope’s cardinal advisers discuss Church’s efforts to prevent abuse

The Holy See press office said Dec. 7 that the pope met with his council of advisers for a two-day meeting at the current papal residence, the Casa Santa Marta.

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