An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Black Catholics' history: Will US Catholic schools teach it?

Evangelical, Midwestern, Southern churches most likely to be meeting in person again
Religion News Service: Mostly evangelical Protestant churches rather than mainline Protestant and, more often, those that are located in the South or Midwest have resumed gathering in person, according to a new survey released Friday (July 24) by LifeWay Research, the research arm of the Southern Baptist Convention.

Split 5 to 4, Supreme Court rejects Nevada church's challenge to shutdown restrictions*
The New York Times: The church said it was subject to more severe limits than casinos and restaurants.

AOC is the future of the Catholic Church
National Catholic Reporter: Ocasio-Cortez repeatedly railed against the "dehumanizing" of others and instead called for treating people with dignity and respect.

In Jerusalem's Old City, the devout adjust to worship in the coronavirus era
NPR: In the historic walled Old City, the beating heart of a place sacred to millions around the world, a second wave of the coronavirus has challenged devout communities to rethink how to pray safely.

Black Catholics' history: Will US Catholic schools teach it?
Associated Press: Top leaders are encouraging Catholic schools to place a new emphasis on teaching about racial justice, as well as the history of Black Catholics.

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