An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Re-Opening Soon?

Several states have begun or are beginning to reopen soon. We, in California, might be a couple of weeks away from reopening, although perhaps some sectors will open up sooner. It seems the re-opening will occur in phases. Some folks may think we are “behind” whereas others might think it is best to err on the side of caution and avoid deaths. In whatever camp we may fall, we can all continue to keep the President, our Governor, and County officials in our prayers, since they are weighing different risks and possible outcomes, and the decisions of when to reopen society and in what way, are not easy decisions to make. Our Mother of Good Counsel, pray for them!

This past Sunday we finished the Novena prayers to our Mother of Good Counsel. I heard from Dr. Marsha Long, who grew up in the parish, and who said that growing up she used to pray the novena to Our Mother of Good Counsel with her family. I’m glad we are reviving this Augustinian tradition, thanks to Fr. Max who passed along the idea. God willing we can pray the Novena again next year, since we always need prayers, especially from Our Mother in heaven. On May 2nd, we begin another Novena of Masses, offering the Masses for the mothers who have been enrolled.

Let us also keep our Bishop in prayer. He has to make decisions as well affecting all parishes and Catholic schools. For example, we are allowed by the County now to have Drive-In religious services, as long as we follow social distancing protocols, but our Bishop has not allowed yet public Masses in such a way. We are ready to begin should we get the permission, thanks to some of our carpenter parishioners who built a deck for an outdoor altar: the Tinoco family (father and son) and Jose Alvarez.

We have a number of our own parishioners who have been laid off or furloughed, and who are surviving off their savings, and social support from others, especially the ones who do not qualify for government funding. Thank you to those of you who have been sharing food and money designated to help them.

God bless,Fr. Carlo

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