An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Thursday, May 14, 2020

Mental and spiritual health care need attention as parishes reopen

Archbishop announces 'first steps' in reopening churches for public Mass

A committee of pastors and lay persons has been formed to draft safety protocols based on government regulations that will guide reopening of public Mass. 

Priest, nurse fortify Nigerian villagers against lockdown hunger

God willing, Father Edward Inyanwachi will soon again celebrate Mass with his rural Nigerian parish. Until then he’s trying to keep them from starving.

Mental and spiritual health care need attention as parishes reopen

Excitement can turn to fear and anxiety for some as public Masses restart and others don't follow new guidelines.

Britain says churches can't open until July

Boris Johnson's May 11 national opening policy drew criticism from the Catholic bishops of England and Wales.

Pandemic spurs home delivery of religious education

“During this time of stay-at-home isolation, the weekly video keeps the kids connected to the church."  

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