An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Do you need full-time clergy to be a vital congregation?

Twelve Christian leaders share their thoughts on how the coronavirus pandemic might affect the financial health and sustainability of American churches.
Q&A with Leah Schade
The minister and professor of preaching offers a method of dialogue in advance of the coming election.
By David Emmanuel Goatley
Pandemic response requires more than words of encouragement for those who are suffering. It requires concrete steps to undo systemic injustices, writes the director of the Office of Black Church Studies at Duke Divinity School.
By Nathan Kirkpatrick
COVID-19 presents us with overwhelming daily challenges, but we must also begin to consider what's ahead, writes a managing director of Leadership Education at Duke Divinity.
By G. Jeffrey MacDonald
Don't let the ingrained belief that only churches with full-time pastors can thrive keep you from making the switch to part-time clergy, writes an author who has researched the effects of part-time ministry.
Q&A with Elizabeth Sendek
Developing rigorous theological education in the Latin American context is key to the future of the growing church, says the president of the Biblical Seminary of Colombia.
Theological schools with few resources benefit from a nonprofit's efforts to provide academically rigorous theological books.
By Alex Shea Will
How associate and senior pastors navigate their relationship can benefit both them and their congregations, an associate pastor writes.
By Allison Backous Troy
A writer reflects on Orthodox Easter and how we may find ways to adorn and anoint and bless the new world in which we live, dark as it is.

When faced with challenges, a new resource can bring energy and possibilities into a faith community. As a source of inspiration, consider the Congregational Resource Guide, offering materials on everything from COVID-19 and technology for virtual congregational life to suggestions for book studies and information on facility management.

Learn more >

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