An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Friday, April 3, 2020

Cardinal Pell decision next week

Catholic University makes vaccine work free for coronavirus research
An expert research professor on vaccines at the Catholic University of America is working with the university to make his patents available royalty-free to help fight the...

What does a traveling evangelist do during the coronavirus lockdown?
One Catholic evangelist said that lessons he’s learning about online evangelization during the coronavirus pandemic could make some Catholic ministries far more effective...

Texas AG: Planned Parenthood not singled out by coronavirus order
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has disputed Planned Parenthood’s claim that the state targeted abortion clinics in an order prohibiting non-essential medical procedures...

Spatula baseball: L’Arche ‘leans into creativity’ during lockdown
Faced with quarantines and stay-at-home orders, the four houses of L’Arche Greater Washington, D.C. (GWDC) were forced to adjust to a whole host of changes to keep the...

Australian High Court to issue Cardinal Pell decision next week
The Australian High Court announced Thursday that a decision would be issued in the case Pell v. The Crown on April 7 at 10 am.

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