An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Friday, February 28, 2020

Why Faithful Catholics Get Divorced

Bernie Can’t Save Your Soul

Auguste Meyrat

After winning the most the votes in the first three Democratic primaries, Senator Bernie Sanders will more than likely become the party’s next presidential nominee. Unlike the other candidates, Mr. Sanders has never revised his worldview, and this has helped his appeal. He was, and remains, an unapologetic (if “democratic”) socialist. As this reality is […]

Why Faithful Catholics Get Divorced

Tom Hoopes

“It wasn’t supposed to be like this.” That’s how divorce starts for the Catholic couples I talked to: hard-core, confession-going, Humanae Vitae-believing Catholic couple. Couples who know exactly what marriage is supposed to be. One man I spoke with, now divorced, took Scott Hahn’s Christian marriage class with his theology-major fiancée. Another couple, now divorced, […]

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