An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Our Lenten Journey with Pastor Carlos

Our Lenten Journey
Sunday, March 10, 2019 — First Sunday of Lent

On Ash Wednesday we entered a different kind of time; perhaps the image of journey would be more apt. We are walking towards the Easter Triduum and the Easter celebrations to follow. However, the journey itself will be important, not just the destination. For example, today we remember how Jesus was in the desert for 40 days, and united to Him, we pray that for the next 40 days we focus on turning away from worldly attachments and allow our hearts to be more open to God.

We prepare ourselves with penance (like giving something up), and abstaining from meat on Fridays; we prepare also with more time for prayer, and by choosing to practice more often the works of mercy. There are seven spiritual works of mercy and seven corporal works of mercy. I invite you to look them up.

The “Collect” or opening prayer from to-day’s Mass asks of God that by way of the various Lenten observances, “we may grow in understanding of the riches hidden in Christ and by worthy conduct pursue their effects.” Lenten observances are much more than an exercise in self-control; they are meant to open us up to the richness of grace found in Christ.

Another good thing to do for yourself this Lent would be to do an examination of conscience and participate in the sacrament of reconciliation. We're supposed to partake of this sacrament at least once a year. Several of you already did so on the first night of the Parish Mission two weeks ago. I still have not received the list of penance services in our neighboring parishes, but I will make it available here once I receive it. However, please remember we offer the sacrament of reconciliation every Saturday at 4:30 PM.

God Bless, Fr. Carlos, OSA.

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