An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Monday, March 4, 2019

Internet Censorship By Controlling Elites Will Not End Well

Internet Censorship By Controlling Elites Will Not End Well

James Kalb

Like any complex functional system, human society involves distinctions, hierarchies, and lasting connections. The Internet, and electronic media generally, disrupt all that. They make everything equally present to everything else, and put all things on the same footing. Relationships become fluid, and sounds and images can be chopped up and reassembled, so that anything can […]

The Superiority of the Priesthood Does Not Justify Clericalism

Ryan M. Williams

The teaching of the Catholic Church with regards to the priesthood is that the priest is ontologically superior to the lay person. This superiority occurs at the moment of ordination. Ordination, like baptism, confers an indelible mark upon the soul of the priest, and it is this mark that causes the superiority. There are a […]

The Vampyre Bicentennial: Should Catholics Be Wary?

Sean Fitzpatrick

Full disclosure: I have been scarred by vampiric literature. It happened when I was a boy. My mother learned of an isolated Catholic family living in the woods outside town who had a lonely son of my age. As happens in childhood, I was enlisted upon a mission of charity. Having received my marching orders, […]

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