An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Monday, January 7, 2019

Evangelical mega-donors are rethinking money in politics

Redesigning sacred spaces to serve their communities -- and save their congregations
Religion News Service: Philadelphia organization shows what three houses of worship could do if they were redesigned to realize their potential for both congregational and community programming.

Getting simple right
Cardus: The art of organizational vitality.

Faith on the Hill
Pew Forum: The religious composition of the 116th Congress.

Evangelicals have hired their own Goliath
The Washington Post: By all indications, the reluctant support by white evangelical Christians for Donald Trump against Hillary Clinton in 2016 has solidified into something like devotion, says Michael Gerson.

Evangelical mega-donors are rethinking money in politics
The Atlantic: In recent years, Christianity has become publicly associated with conservative political causes. Some wealthy Christians are pushing back.

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