An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Thursday, August 30, 2018

Catholics are facing a very real emergency

The religious typology
Pew Forum: A new way to categorize Americans by religion.

Catholics are facing a very real emergency
Religion Dispatches: What's needed is a massive overhaul so that Catholic communities can be run by trained lay people rather than be ruled by incompetent and sometimes criminal bishops, says Mary Hunt.
Commonweal: Hope beyond the headlines
The Week: The unbearable ugliness of the Catholic Church

"I will not say a single word on this"
Slate: An interview with John Allen on what to make of Francis' insufficient response to the serious allegations against him.
Crux: Aftershocks of cover-up accusation against Pope felt in Rome

This 19th-century argument over federal support for Christianity still resonates
The Conversation: President Trump has promised to protect religious liberty. But there was a time when evangelicals believed that a religion that needed protection from government had no reason to exist at all.

When Christians sell out Christians for political power
Religion News Service: As evangelicals not invited to the party, Shane Claiborne and Don Golden are astonished that none of the White House evangelical advisers seem to have brought before the president and his cabinet the justice issues so pressing in our day.

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