An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Thursday, July 5, 2018

Church goes 'wild' as believers and seekers head for the trees

Hope for America as we know it can be
Baptist News Global: Sometimes it's those moments at the door after worship that feel the most holy, says the Rev. Amy Butler.

Amy Coney Barrett is allegedly a member of a religious group that's been called a "cult"
Slate: What is People of Praise, really? An ominously metastasizing "cult" or a thriving parachurch organization?

Christ Church Cathedral Indianapolis 'detains' Jesus, Mary, Joseph to protest Trump's immigration policy
The Indianapolis Star: Nativity statues of the baby Jesus, Mary and Joseph, which usually mark Christmas, were incarcerated Tuesday on the lawn of Christ Church Cathedral behind a chain-link fence topped with barbed wire.

Can the Catholic Church 'evolve' on L.G.B.T. rights?
The New York Times: What does the revolution in L.G.B.T. rights mean for the Catholic Church, an ancient institution that thinks in centuries, and holds a view of human sexuality at odds with the shifting cultural winds?

Church goes 'wild' as believers and seekers head for the trees
Religion News Service: The Wild Church Network connects people who long to reconnect their religious practice with the natural world.

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