An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Tuesday, May 29, 2018

What politics and religion could learn from science

Irish archbishops say abortion vote shows church's waning influence
The Guardian: Eamon Martin, the archbishop of Armagh and primate of all Ireland, said in a homily that many people see the church as "somehow weak in compassion." Being pro-life means being alongside those whose lives are threatened by violence, and who cannot live life to the full because of economic deprivation, homelessness and marginalization, he said.
Religion News Service: Irish vote shows need for new pro-life strategy

How evangelicals teamed up with the White House on prison reform
RNS: The proposed First Step Act, aimed at reducing the number of people who return to prison after serving time, overwhelmingly passed the U.S. House of Representatives with bipartisan support from lawmakers, and the support of a number of prominent evangelical Christians and institutions.

Controversial Southern Baptist leader still set to give prominent sermon in front of thousands
Washington Post: Paige Patterson is still set to deliver the high-profile sermon at the convention's annual meeting, which is expected to draw thousands to Dallas next month, and that prospect has alarmed many Southern Baptists, who fear it could send the wrong message to women.

Church that lost ten pastor couples in Cuba plane crash: "Pray for our families"
Evangelical Focus: The global Nazarene Church has asked for prayers after 10 clergy couples died in a plane crash on their return from Cuba. Christianity in Cuba has been undergoing a revival in recent years.

What politics and religion could learn from science
Slate: Science examines and corrects itself. It constantly tests itself against external realities. It studies its failures and rethinks its assumptions. Science is a learning machine. For this reason, science is less broken than any other institution, writes William Saletan. It's exemplary. If religion and politics were more like science, the world would be a much better place.

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