An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Monday, April 2, 2018

The Hidden Enemy

Miriam Neff on Caring for Widows

Founder and President of Widow Connection, Miriam Neff, joined us to consider how the church can follow the biblical mandate to care for the 1 million new widows in the United States this year. Her latest book is Not Alone: 11 Inspiring Stories of Courageous Widows from the Bible.
Dr. Russell Moore on the Gospel's Reach

Our conversation with Dr. Russell Moore centered on how besides being just a personal commitment, the Gospel frees us and then propels us to see God’s redeeming work extend to every systemic sin evidenced in our culture. Additionally, we stand for religious liberty for all, and legislation such as the Conscience Protection Act, so that we have a world where the Gospel is free to go forth and take on the Baal’s of this age.
Dr. Youssef on The Hidden Enemy

Dr. Michael Youssef of Leading the Way joined us to talk about his new book, The Hidden Enemy: Aggressive Secularism, Radical Islam and the Fight for our Future. We discussed how the combination of secularism and silent Christians is leaving a vacuum that radical Islamists are only too ready to fill.

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