Australian Broadcasting Corporation: Tanya Berry is a fiercely independent thinker who embraces interdependence, while also serving as discerning first editor of every novel and short story written by her prolific husband.
The New York Times: Meet the monks of Mepkin Abbey, a Trappist monastery in South Carolina, who are trying to maintain age-old religious traditions in a rapidly evolving world.
The New York Times: Chad Veach believes he can save souls by being the hip and happy-go-lucky preacher. Jesus is supposed to be fun, right?
Pacific Standard: Beneath the surface -- once the lightsabers are stowed away and the business of spiritual belief begins -- Jediism is quite paradigmatic of trends in modern religious practice.
Religion News Service: Actor and former Cambridge theology student, Hugh Bonneville hosts a new documentary, "Jesus: Countdown to Calvary," which will air on most public television stations before Easter.
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