An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Is the celibacy of Catholic priests coming to an end?

Last peaceful Sunday before a congregation is consumed by violence
USA Today: Online for all to see is the last Sunday service before calamity befell First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs.

The truth about church shootings
CNN: Even with the steady rise of shootings and hate crimes, spiritual sanctuaries remain among the more secure spots to spend a Sunday morning.
The Washington Post: After Texas church massacre, a push for armed guards and gun-packing parishioners

Tingles of the transcendent don't always prompt people to go to church
The Economist: The number of people who acknowledge no formal religious label is surging, but that doesn't mean that these free-ranging folk have lost interest in the transcendent.

Is the celibacy of Catholic priests coming to an end?
The (London) Guardian: Pope Francis has long considered allowing married clergy, but it has always been resisted by the church hierarchy. Now bishops in Brazil are in favor.

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