An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Wednesday, August 16, 2017

What Happens When Neo-Nazis Are Outside Your Church Doors

Hope for America's Opioid Epidemic Is Grace in a Syringe
Why addiction ministry can include fellowship, the gospel and Narcan.
Lindsay Stokes
The man in front of me is almost dead. His lips are blue. He isn't breathing. His eyes are half open and still. His arms fall limply off the stretcher, and he doesn't flinch as needles are threaded into his veins and his clothes are stripped away. His wife is wailing in the doorway. His pulse — a barely palpable flutter beneath my fingertips — is the only indication that something might be done. We have only a few seconds to act before the faint, fast rhythm slips away entirely and he is gone. continue reading >>

Two-Thirds of Americans Admit They Are Sinners
Most agree with Romans 3:23, but disagree on what to do about it.
Dispatches from Charlottesville: What Happens When Neo-Nazis Are Outside Your Church Doors
The protesters came with torches. We sang, "This Little Light of Mine."
The Exchange
On Christians Unable to Critique President Trump: Loyalty and the Rorschach Test
If you are unable to critique a president, you've lost your prophetic witness.

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