An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Evangelical leaders push for criminal justice reform

Montreal Catholic Church will fingerprint all priests working with children
CBC News: The Catholic Church of Montreal will expand its pilot project that bars priests and church volunteers from being alone with children and requires them to provide digital fingerprints to work with vulnerable populations.

Evangelical leaders push for criminal justice reform
Religion News Service: They're are calling for equitable punishment, alternatives to incarceration and a different take on the "tough on crime" language of the Trump administration.

What happens when tragedy strikes Muslims during Ramadan
The Washington Post: Ramadan is supposed to be a month of peace.

Maybe instead of solidarity, the religious left should try being indivisible
Religion Dispatches: In a word, the religious left is extremely, politically naïve, says Daniel Schultz. So what is to be done about it? How can a real and effective religious left come about?

How some Christians find God in Bryce Canyon and other national parks
Deseret News: From Memorial Day to Labor Day each summer, Christians affiliated with nonprofit live and work in more than 25 national and state parks, hosting worship services and picking up shifts at park restaurants and shops.

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