An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Thursday, June 22, 2017

Did Billy Graham's wife shape their son Franklin more than he did?

No major US religious groups approve refusing service to gays
Religion News Service: In no U.S. religious group does a majority think it's acceptable for businesspeople to invoke their religious beliefs to refuse service to gays.

Why cash remains sacred in American churches
The Conversation: A dozen years ago, ATMs began appearing in churches providing a way for people to come up with ready cash to give to God and their church. But why was cash necessary?

Welby asks George Carey to quit as honorary bishop over church abuse report
The (London) Guardian: The archbishop of Canterbury has asked his predecessor to step down as an honorary assistant bishop after a report found that senior figures in the Church of England colluded with a disgraced former bishop who sexually abused boys and men.

Maybe huge philanthropic gifts aren't what the world needs
Big Think: What if the ways we choose to donate money are misguided? What if there were ways we could do good -- better?

Did Billy Graham's wife shape their son Franklin more than he did?
The Charlotte Observer: Ruth Bell Graham died 10 years ago this month. But her influence lives on.

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