An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Thursday, April 20, 2017

What Makes Your Church Your Church?

Forgiveness: Muslims Moved as Coptic Christians Do the Unimaginable
Amid ISIS attacks, faithful response inspires Egyptian society.
Jayson Casper in Cairo
Twelve seconds of silence is an awkward eternity on television. Amr Adeeb, perhaps the most prominent talk show host in Egypt, leaned forward as he searched for a response. "The Copts of Egypt ... are made of ... steel!" he finally uttered. Moments earlier, Adeeb was watching a colleague in a simple home in Alexandria speak with the widow of Naseem Faheem, the guard at St. Mark's Cathedral in the seaside Mediterranean city. On Palm Sunday, the guard had redirected a suicide bomber through the perimeter metal detector, where the terrorist detonated. Likely the first to die in the blast, Faheem saved the lives of dozens inside the church. continue reading >>

Here's the Million-Dollar Answer to How Persecuted Christians Persevere
Under Caesar's Sword researchers release final analysis of 25 countries.
CT Pastors
What Makes Your Church Your Church?
3 building blocks to help you tell your story.
The Exchange
Modeling the Ministry Success of Jesus
Why do we expect to be welcomed and cheered in our communities?

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