An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Ash Wednesday doesn't need to sparkle

Pope Francis says give to the homeless, don't worry about how they spend it, as Lent begins
America: Pope Francis said that Catholics should offer housing or financial assistance to families settling in a new country, and, as Lent begins, he called on Catholics not to make excuses when it comes to giving to those asking for change.

Ash Wednesday doesn't need to sparkle
Religion News Service: However well-intentioned, Glitter Ash Wednesday is a distraction at best and a sideshow at worst, Jacob Lupfer says.

At Betsy DeVos's alma mater, a history of fierce debate
The Atlantic: Calvin College is no fundamentalist Christian school.

As funds invoke Bible values, others see intolerance
The New York Times: Two new exchange traded funds offer a conservative evangelical -- what is called "biblically responsible" -- tilt to the so-called sin stocks investing approach.

Carmel Cemetery: Stones toppled, stones righted
Religion News Service: Rabbi Adam Zeff saw evidence of the darkness of hatred that can enfold us, and the sparks of light and love that shine even more brightly when darkness is thickest.

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