An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Monday, June 13, 2016

Religious roots of hatred resurface in Orlando

The sermon on Pulse you didn't hear in church
The Orlando (Fla.) Sentinel: What's making Eddie Kaufholz nervous is the church -- collective Christianity. It's standing at the crossroads of an unprecedented decision.

Religious roots of hatred resurface in Orlando
Religion News Service: One year after the Supreme Court ruled that gays can legally marry across the country, and at a time when most polls show a majority of Americans support LGBT equality, the mass shooting in Orlando, Fla., shocked many Americans who had begun to take gay rights for granted.

American Muslims in mourning
The New Yorker: The celebration of Muhammad Ali and the beginning of Ramadan meant it was a good week for Muslims in the U.S. Then the Orlando attack happened.

A meditation on the Orlando Shooting
Christianity Today: This latest attack is part of a pattern, and the pretext for a remarkable prayer.

Why a gory piece of scripture keeps surfacing in American politics
The Economist: Next time an American politician is considering quoting a Psalm, whether in "light humour" or with any purpose, he might consider choosing a different one than Psalm 109.

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