An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Friday, April 15, 2016

The Rise of the Solo Female Traveler

How Pakistani Christians Fleeing Persecution Get Tied Up in Thailand
Churches fall victim to their own successful welcome of Pakistani refugees.
Morgan Lee
Nearly four years after refugees from Pakistan began showing up at evangelical churches in Thailand, church members were overwhelmed. What started as a handful of families asking for money at Bangkok services had become hundreds. Today, nearly 10,000 Pakistani refugees are living in Thailand. An estimated half of them are Christians fleeing persecution like the Easter Sunday bombing in Lahore.... continue reading >>

Turkey Releases US Street Evangelist Facing Deportation
Missionary David Byle runs a Bible correspondence course in the Muslim-majority nation.
Go West, Young Woman: The Rise of the Solo Female Traveler
I learned for myself why some of the best adventures are taken alone.
The Local Church
How Spanish Church Music Inspired the Film Score for 'Risen'
A conversation with the biblical thriller's composer.
'Sing Street' Takes Teenagers (and Music) Seriously
The latest from "Once" director John Carney is an autobiographical, infectious 1980s musical.
The Exchange
Trump, Evangelicals, and the Elephant in the Room
Who are evangelicals and who are they really voting for?

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