An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Catholicism's multi-billion dollar brand is struggling

Catholicism's multi-billion dollar brand is struggling despite Pope Francis
The Conversation: The clergy sex abuse scandal has irreparably tarnished the Catholic brand for many. But the more fundamental threat to Catholicism is irrelevance.

How South Carolina could fail refugees and religion
The Washington Post: South Carolina legislation would force social service agencies and houses of worship to register any refugees they help resettle and hold them liable in civil court for any crimes those refugees might commit.

Americans are becoming more socially liberal -- except when it comes to divorce
The Washington Post: Contrary to popular belief, marriage is probably more respected and admired than ever before -- just not in a way that encourages millennials to partake in it.

For better or worse, Pastafarians have arrived
The (London) Guardian: The case of Pastafarianism does raise the question of what makes a religion religious, says Andrew Brown.

Church design, sacred spaces, and the loss of symbol
Christian Week: Rather than allow our controlling message of Christ to inform and shape our church designs, we have instead created an empty medium, void of meaning.

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