An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Monday, March 21, 2016

Why kids must learn about religion much earlier

Theology schools, facing lean times, look to one another and the web
The New York Times: Seminaries and divinity schools are in a period of unprecedented experimentation. Schools are merging; or joining together, across religious lines, in interfaith consortiums; or moving online.

The commodification curse
America: There is, to put it mildly, a surfeit of ethical issues facing our college campuses that would seem to require a campus-wide ethical system in response.

Was Jesus really nailed to the cross?
The Conversation: What was crucifixion? And why was Jesus killed that way?

How will young people choose their religion?
The Atlantic: Introducing a special project on the changing nature of beliefs and practices among teens, 20-, and 30-somethings.

Why kids must learn about religion much earlier
Time: The cost of not teaching children about different faiths has too big a price.

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