An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Thursday, March 10, 2016

Too Sexy for This Selfie

Christians Can't Help Abiding in Christ
If we are in Jesus, we will stay connected to him.
C. John Collins
When I began my senior year of college in the fall of 1975, I had been a believer for nearly two years and was being discipled through a campus parachurch ministry. One morning, I overslept. When I realized that I had missed my weekly appointment with the graduate student discipling me, I wondered whether any of this Christian stuff I had embraced was even real. It certainly didn't seem to be making much of a difference in me. I thought... continue reading >>

Do Christians Face Genocide from ISIS? US Has One Week Left to Decide
With March 17 deadline fast approaching, advocates ratchet up pressure on John Kerry.
Speaking Out
Missionary Doctor: Abstinence Isn't Always an Option
When sex is forced on women, contraception becomes a form of compassion.
The Hard Work of Making Anne Rice's Jesus Book into a Movie
How 'Christ the Lord' Became 'The Young Messiah'
Too Sexy for This Selfie
The conversation about teens and the pornification of social media is long overdue.
Why We Keep the Legend of Bonnie and Clyde Alive
A re-release of Kelly Reichardt's 1994 'River of Grass' once again raises the question: why do filmmakers keep retelling the story of a couple on a murder spree?
The Exchange
Living in the Fullness of Salvation
We should never forget the present reality of salvation.

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