An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Thursday, January 28, 2016

Why today's big-name rappers are daring to be religious

Voters warm to candidates who are not religious
Religion News Service: On the growing list of ways the "outsiders" election of 2016 is upsetting conventional political wisdom, here's a new entry: A contender's lack of strong faith is not the deal breaker it once was for voters.

Rap's crossroads: Why today's big-name rappers are daring to be religious
Macleans: From Kendrick Lamar to formerly young Jeezy, more and more big-name rappers are willing to explicitly discuss their faith on the record.
Deseret News: Jesus, take the radio dial: Country music's evolving relationship with religion

Them and us?
Baptist News Global: This election year we seem obsessed with us against them; we just can't agree on who "they" are or which "us" is us, says Bill Leonard.

Why Adolf Eichmann's final message remains so profoundly unsettling
The (London) Guardian: The request for clemency by one of the key architects of the Holocaust is a grim reminder: being ordinary is no protection against doing great evil, says Giles Fraser.

Renaissance Florence was a better model for innovation than Silicon Valley is
Harvard Business Review: What Renaissance Italy can teach us about innovation.

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