An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Friday, January 15, 2016

Why Do People Like Donald Trump?

Why Do People Like Donald Trump?
I've been waiting for Donald Trump to fade away, but apparently he's not going anywhere any time soon. Contrary to most media, to whom he is a buffoon and great click bait, we might have to start taking him more seriously. His appeal continues not because Americans are stupid or evil, but because he articulates values that resonate with them. I am not a fan of his politics, but this piece does a good job of at least partially explaining why this "extremist" and "outlier" continues to attract a loyal and large following.
Remembering Heroes
On January 2, 1956, five missionaries in Ecuador began a long-desired project. They were going to make contact and lay the groundwork for sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with the so-called Auca Indians.... The "Aucas" (or Waorani, their name for themselves) were a very remote and mysterious people group with a reputation for murderous hostility to all outsiders. Jim Elliot, Peter Fleming, Ed McCully, Roger Youderian, and missionary pilot Nate Saint founded a base camp consisting of a tree house and a landing strip at the site they christened Palm Beach on the Curaray River, within a few hours' walk of a Waorani settlement.
On Friday, January 6, the men had their first direct, friendly contact when three Waorani, a man and two women, visited the camp and stayed for several hours. On January 8, another party of Waorani came from the same village and speared all five men to death.
So begins an online exhibit at the Billy Graham Center Archives (at Wheaton College) honoring these men 60 years hence.

The exhibit also highlights Elisabeth Elliot, Jim's wife, who not only wrote the evangelical classic Through the Gates of Splendor, honoring their martyrdom, but also went on minister to the Waorani herself. Elisabeth died last year: We noted her passing (here), as did The New York Times in their end-of-the-year memorials in a very balanced piece.
What to Do About Wheaton
The martyrdom of these five men, most of whom were associated with Wheaton College, was national news back in the day. Today Wheaton College is getting another type of press attention. The current controversy regarding the professor who said Christians and Muslims worship the same God is now drawing international attention, especially after the college began proceedings to fire professor Larycia Hawkins. Partisans have painted Hawkins as a martyr of an oppressive administration, while others think she is outside the bounds of orthodoxy. The conversation has been anything but reasonable. Thus my editorial response, Wheaton, Hawkins: Let Us Reason Together, Please.
"It Was a Total God Thing"
We evangelicals love our lingo. And when you stack our pet phrases one on top of the other, it's pretty funny. Enjoy this 2-minute video.
Grace and peace,
Mark Galli
Mark Galli
Mark Galli
Editor, Christianity Today

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