An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Why 734 Pastors Quit

Why My Pain Belongs on the Internet
Public lament is more than just another hot take or social media rant.
Jemar Tisby
After hearing the news that a Cleveland grand jury decided not to indict two police officers for the killing of 12-year old Tamir Rice, I thought of my own son. He's five. He has bright brown eyes that can make me grin even when I'm grumpy. His boisterous energy at once exhausts and amuses any adult who has the privilege of spending time with him. His favorite game is "chase" because he just loves to run. Perhaps Tamir's parents saw the same in their young child. The similarities between my own son and Rice and the fact that we shared the same color skin... continue reading >>

Why 734 Pastors Quit (and How Their Churches Could Have Kept Them)
LifeWay Research studies how churches can help pastors last longer.
Watch This Way
Twenty Movies That Stuck With Me in 2015
Among the year's movies, twenty of them resonated deeply with our chief film critic.
Get Yourself a Girl Squad
The powerful witness of befriending the competition.
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#HellenistWidowsMatter: A Parable
What might we learn from the Scriptures about advocating for those who feel wronged?
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Modes of Mission: A Missional Posture
This week, in our series examining mission modes, we look at how John lived on mission.
Wheaton, Hawkins: Let Us Reason Together, Please
How might a Christian college handle a controversy that threatens to undo it?
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The Gospel, Breaking Sinful Patterns, and Addiction
How Steps can bring a new kind of recovery ministry to your church.

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