An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Wednesday, September 2, 2015

U.S. Catholics who left the church can't imagine returning

The defiant Kim Davis, the Ky. clerk who refuses to issue gay marriage licenses
Washington Post: She's become the target of scrutiny across the nation, alternately hailed as a hero standing up for principle and criticized as a hypocrite out of step with society and the law.

Vast majority of U.S. Catholics who left the church can't imagine returning, study says
Washington Post: Most Americans who were raised Catholic but have since left the church could not envision themselves returning to it, according to a new Pew survey.

Pew Research: Key findings about American Catholics

The pope's abortion ‘forgiveness’ is good politics, but changes nothing for women
The (London) Guardian: What the Pope did was a very Jesuitical move from the Jesuit pontiff, says Anthea Butler. It presents to the public and press a more forgiving, more open church, which needs all the good PR feelings it can muster.

The one percent: Why so few pastors quit a ‘brutal job’
Christianity Today: How 1,500 ministers feel about their past pulpits and current churches.

It's time to equalize pastor salaries
Christianity Today: Pastors are sisters and brothers in service to the same Lord, says David Lewicki. It's inconceivable that the pastor of a large church deserves twice the salary of the pastor of a small church.

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