An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Friday, June 19, 2015

News & Ideas - June 19, 2015

Faith and Leadership Newsletter

News & Ideas - June 19, 2015

Why the black church has always mattered
The Root: The black church's radical humanism harbored a fierce resistance to slavery, a love of freedom, and a thirst for citizenship and equality.

How much has changed since the Birmingham church bombing?
The Atlantic: Is the nation getting any better at dealing with violence against black houses of worship?

Pope Francis' green encyclical is a gift to humanity. Left and Right can be enlightened by it
The (London) Telegraph: Laudato Si has been misrepresented as green socialism. In fact, it is Catholic, radical and wonderful. It even has something to say about online dating.

The limits of liberalism
The Economist: Some modern denominations are wondering how to respond to clergy who openly renounce any belief in God.

10 things I wish everyone knew about Ramadan
On Faith: Is Ramadan more than just a month of depriving yourself of food and drink?

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