An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Friday, April 3, 2015

The GALLI Report ~ Friday, April 03, 2015

The Galli Report newsletter
Friday, April 03, 2015    

Wanted: Sane Comment on Indiana
This week, as America Left and Right panics about the Indiana religious freedom law, I felt like writing a short editorial: Can everyone just calm down? The Left acts like the law would return us to the era of Jim Crow, the Right like we're about to undergo a new Inquisition. Can we all agree that (a) we don't want to discriminate against anyone and (b) we all want to protect everyone's religious and moral sensibilities? We may not be able to find legislation that perfectly balances those concerns, but we can do better than screaming at one another about the malevolent motives and sweeping injustice this or that law is going to create. Instead, let us reason together—like this calm and thoughtful essay by David Brooks does. Also check out the fine summary news story by CT's Bob Smietana.
Organic Traffic Control
The small Dutch village of Oudehaske may have discovered a new way to get drivers to slow down and take care in more heavily populated areas. And it has nothing to do with speed bumps or more stop signs.
Meeting Jesus through Luther
If you're looking for a way to go deeper both theologically and spiritually, you could do worse than reading a lot of Martin Luther. And the Luther Reading Challenge is making that convenient—no trudging to the library and loading up on large dusty volumes. It's an effort to reacquaint us all with the great reformer leading up to the 500th anniversary of his famous posting of the 95 Theses. Note: The site won't display the readings until you sign in.
'How to Destroy Your Pastor'
This blog post by Peter W. Chin is going crazy online, so perhaps you've already read it. I was a pastor for ten years, and he describes well how the steady drip of criticism can wear on pastors. Something to consider now when pastors are busy with Holy Week services.
Global Picture of Holy Week
I find BuzzFeed lists annoying most of the time, but this one, a pictorial list of how Holy Week is celebrated around the world, is the exception. It's a visual reminder that we really do belong to a global church.
Grace and peace,
Mark Galli
Mark Galli
Editor, Christianity Today

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